Anomaly 1 - “Roamers”
rating: +3+x

Anomaly 1, more commonly known as Roamers, are docile anomalies that aimlessly wander the Voidclusters.



A deceased Roamer found in Level 0, lethally twisted by an unidentified hostile anomaly. Image brightened for visibility.

Roamers are short, slender anomalies with coarse skin and small tails. They have bluish-purple skin and human-like teeth. They have poor eyesight due to their weak, beady eyes. They are often hunted for their skin, which has high demand in the Voidcluster economy.


Roamers slowly walk in random directions with seemingly no destination, hence their name. Roamers do not seem to notice obstacles until they run into them; Roamers are often seen walking into walls accidentally, likely due to their poor eyesight. Roamers have never been reported being hostile, as they prefer to flee instead of fighting back from enemies.


Intelligence: Low
Speed: Low
Strength: Low
Behavior: Docile


Roamers are found in the majority of levels in the Voidclusters, but are most commonly found in levels with large amounts of open space.

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