Anomaly 2 - “Lurkers”
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Anomaly 2, more commonly known as Lurkers, are hostile anomalies that tend to appear in dark crevices in levels with dim/dark lightning.


Lurkers are dark humanoid anomalies that use shadows as a way of hiding; many times blending in unnoticed. Due to this, it may require a thermal or night-vision device to be able to see one. They vary in form or height, however they all don't have visible eyes, mouth, ears, etc; it is easy to differentiate a human shadow from a Lurker.


A Lurker in a stalking state as seen with night-vision. Picture taken in one of the houses in Level 0.


Lurkers have two reported behaviors, stalking and aggressive. When a Lurker is in an aggressive state, it will follow its victim by moving through the shadows and getting near it. Once it's in close proximity, it will attack the victim with its "arms"1 in a similar fashion to a hug. This is denominated by many wanderers as the "Death-Hug"; it is reported to be extremely painful and since the Lurker will cover the facial orifices2 with a shadowy-substance, no screams or sounds can be heard from the suffering victim. When stalking, the Lurker will stand still in a shadow from a considerable distance of the wanderer observing it. Rarely they allow someone to get into close-proximity, however this is rare and many times ends up provoking it. Shining a light source into the Lurker will cause it to seemingly teleport into another location3 and regress into a stalking behavior.


Intelligence: Medium
Speed: High
Strength: Low
Behavior: Aggressive/Stalking


Lurkers are a majority in the Voidclusters; as such, there's not a specific level list of where they can be found. However, please avoid the following if you don't want to encounter a Lurker:

  • Levels that seem to be permanently at night;
  • Levels with a lack of sufficient lightning;
  • Levels where there's a blackout event.
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