» SURVIVAL DIFFICULTY - 3/5: Level 13 is considered by many to be an "empty hell", as escaping is very difficult, and there are little to no anomalies or supplies;
» ENTROPY - 4/5: Level 13 is very confusing, and can drain sanity relatively quickly;
» ANOMALIES - 0/5: No anomalies can be found in Level 13.
Level 13 is the 14th level of the Voidclusters.
Level 13, also known as "Crossroads" is a grass plain of undetermined size. The level was discovered by The Voidcluster Investigators, who have yet to find a single anomaly. Throughout the entirety of the level, there is a system of zig-zag roads that connect to each other. Some go on for kilometers without connecting, while others barely go anywhere. The road system never seems to end, no matter how far you go from the origin of the level. There is a severe scarcity of supplies in Level 13, which causes roughly 94% of the deaths in the level.1 The lack of supplies has also been known to drain sanity at varying rates. TVI typically advises wanderers to not visit Level 13, as there is nothing worth going for. Those who ignore this suggestion usually either die or take a significantly long time to escape.
There are no known communities in this level.
There are no known anomalies in this level.
There are no known objects in this level.
- The only confirmed way of entry is entering a door with an exit sign in Level 2;
- An unconfirmed way of entry is waking up in Level 9.
- Clipping into the roads will send you into Level 5.