» SURVIVAL DIFFICULTY - 0/5: In comparison to its previous and following level, Level 6 is completely safe, otherwise the lack of supplies and the cmd can be a minor headache;
» ENTROPY - 0.7/5: The Command Prompt crash can be deadly, otherwise the level's structure is stable;
» ANOMALIES - 1/5: VIRUS is the only anomaly in Level 6.
Level 6 is the 7th level of the Voidclusters.
Level 6, also known as "Simulation", is a world containing nothing but endless green hill & mountains. The level seems to be stuck endlessly in daytime. The weather cycle is broken, as storms seem to appear, change direction, and disappear at random. The world also has a weird effect where you respawn if you die, however, this only works in Level 6. A taskbar similar to those used in the Windows operating systems, will be at the bottom of your vision at all times. Looking at it for too long will open the Command Prompt. Trying to open any other program, or installing any other software ,will cause the Command Prompt to crash.
There is a reason why barely anyone stays here. The main reason why is that if you manage to crash/break the CMDS, it will take you to Level 9, which despite its dangerous properties is considered a must-go-place by many new wanderers.1. Another reason anyone barely stays here, within commands there are two listed commands that can also take you other levels.
When the Command Prompt is open, you can use the commands listed below for a variety of uses (Note: These are not all of them, however they are the most useful ones)
- MOVE [direction where you want to go]: This command can be useful for traveling around the level as it can take you anywhere.
- CLS: This command clears the Command Prompt of any previously written commands.
- COPY [a specific object you have in your possession]: This command can copy any specific object you have, however it can only be used once, since it immediately crashes after use. After the first crash no object copied again will work outside the level and only the first one could be considered a "real" copy.
- EXIT: This command will close the Command Prompt Window
- RD [an specific object you have in your possession]: This command will erase from existence any object specified in your possession, can be used freely.2
- DSRT: As of November of 2022, this command still works, and takes you to NULL
- BDLCK: Will take you to Level 13.
The Cyber-Security Council
A group of 30-40 members subsisting of the infinite supplies of the level's copies. They call themselves the Cyber-Security Council, however, it's been proven that they don't know anything about computer science at all.
EAW "Programmers" Outpost
One of the many outposts set-up by the Economic Association of Wanderers, it contains a population of about 20-34 members who are willing to trade. However, they're known to despise the Cyber-Security Council.3
TVI Though of establishing a base here before settling on Level 13's base, however they changed their mind after they found out of the COPY command, deeming it unnecessary.
VIRUS: Only found in Level 6. Sometimes, when wandering around in the level's files for too long, you can find an archive named "FREE OAT MILK.EXE"4. Please refrain from clicking on this archive, since it contains a malware that will crash the Command Prompt, delete all of your objects from existence and send you to Level 13.
Laptops: When exploring far into the Level, one can commonly find laptops on the ground. These laptops contain access to what many name "The ClusterNet". Despite the name, the ClusterNet is only what seems an endless forum-log. In which you can write new posts and read others posts, terminals can also be found rarely on other levels, but different to Level 6's ones, they will not dissappear when leaving the level you've obtained them from.
Clicking on the power button on a desk computer in Level 2 will bring you to Level 6. In Level 12, kill 20 entities in the forest area. The forest will turn to grass, with a computer in the middle of the land. Run techland.exe to be sent here. Running techland.exe on a computer in Level 15 will bring you here. Jumping into a computer found on the streets in Level 100 will bring you here. Using computers running "Lvl6.exe" in Level -4.1 can bring you here.
If you think hard enough "exit", the start menu will open and ask you if you want to power off. If you accept it will take you back to the level you came from. Writing the command "DSRT" will take you to Level 7, while writing the command "BDLCK" or opening "FREE OAT MILK.EXE"5 Will take you to Level 13.
Due to unprofessionalism during the adding of footnotes. Junior explorer J.K diaz has been temporary banned for 2 months from editing or adding new pages to the site.