Object 3 - “Ultra Soda”
rating: +5+x

EFFECTS: Positive Unknown
RARITY: Common
USEFULNESS: Ultra Soda can be a useful source of hydration when exploring the Voidclusters.


Object 3, more commonly known as Ultra Soda, is a beverage contained within soda cans.


Two cans of Ultra Soda from an unknown brand.

Soda cans can vary in brand appearance; however, it seems that this doesn't affect the flavor of the beverage contained. Instead, the flavor of the can depends on the person drinking it. A wide variety of tastes have been described by wanderers, going from "tasting just like Coca-Cola" to "similar to human blood". This taste, however, does not affect the effects of drinking the beverage. Explorers, when drinking Ultra Soda, describe it as refreshing to the tongue and slightly addictive.


Ultra Soda can be a highly useful object for combating dehydration and has proven useful to curing The Fever in its early stages.

A recent study performed by a TVI researcher proved under a microscope that, as a matter of fact, Ultra Soda's instances may have some form of The Fever. When Ultra Soda is not refrigerated correctly, it could grow a species of mold containing The Fever. Further investigations are to be done by TVI.


Ultra Soda can be found on a wide variety of locations within the Voidclusters.

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