Object 9 - “Bread?”
rating: +3+x

EFFECTS: Negative/Unknown
RARITY: Common
USEFULNESS: Cannot be defined due to the nature of the object.


Object 9, more commonly known as Bread?1 is a slice of white bread infested with mold and fungus. The odor emanating from it seems to confirm this. The slices of Bread? can vary in form, size, and amount of mold in it (keep in mind, all slices of Bread? will have some mold or fungal content). The consistency of Bread? is as strong as a piece of plastic when in a normal state, but by heating it it can be as fragile as an ordinary piece of bread.




Please DO NOT eat Bread? as the properties and effects from the mold are unknown (theorized to be negative). Bread?, however, has been found to be useful in studying the effects of different diseases and parasites such as the Forger Parasite. Thanks to this, TVI has been developing and researching a vaccine against The Fever.


Bread? is almost universal. It is not common to find it in large quantities, but its presence is found in many levels.

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